Thursday, December 29, 2011

Short Trip to Belitong #2

Second day! Today we will visit Tanjung Tinggi the famous beach and other beaches as well, but before we go on, let's spend time with local market first. At this morning, you can have a jogging and visit the beach to watch the sun rise. That's really beautiful. After that, maybe you want to go to the local market, fresh fish and all of sea creatures can be found here, vegetables also available but since its main commodity from the sea so there will be much fish, squids, etc. You can get a very cheap price for this seafood if you buy it directly from the fisherman, and lucky me, I have this friend that introduced me to one of the fisherman there, I got 2kgs squids for a cheap price! Wow, seafood party tonight!
All right, enough with local market, remember with our main purpose here, beach! So, today, we will go to one of the famous beach here, because the scenery is really beautiful and it also where one of popular Indonesian movie took place for shooting, it's called Tanjung Tinggi. My friend told that sometimes the ocean will be very quiet, not much high waves, and that's perfect for swimming. The sands were really white and wow! You know, I was really lucky that day, why? Because there were not much people visited at that time, maybe because it's not vacation time, so it's like a private beach to me. Unfortunately, I didn't bring any spare clothes with me, so I didn't swim that day. Today will just be a tour to visit beaches, just visit. Here is a picture of Tanjung Tinggi.
I need more practice :(

We spend much time here to take some (many, actually) photographs, a chance for me to enhance my photography skills. A few good picture successfully taken by me, yeah! Okay, enough, let's go the next beach!
Another thing that you should know about Belitung is, there were not much traffic, it means you will not face a traffic jam! How cool is that! You can speed up your vehicle to the limit, but still you have to careful 'cause someone may pass the road! It didn't take a long time from Tanjung Tinggi to the next beach. 20 minutes to 30 minutes, maybe less, I didn't count. Same as previous, there were not much people here, or maybe no one else except us. There were some fisherman's ship, but I didn't see anyone. Again, there I just took some pictures and felt the wind, heard the waves crushing white sands. So relaxing.
I went back to the hotel at 4 PM, enough for the beach, let's explore the night market (?) tonight!


Again, it's too late for me to write this, but, it's never too late to write your feelings, right? I hope so.
So, have you heard 50/50. yet? Well, it's a movie that really moving you, not moving from one place to another but the other moving, you know what I mean. The movie is about Adam Lerner who just had a cancer. And tells how his life changed. If you think that this movie must be really sad then you were wrong, it's actually, somehow entertaining. How Adam react when he knew the disease, and when he told his friend, his girlfriend and finally his parent. I must say Joseph Gordon-Levitt really played his role perfectly, and Seth Rogen as his friend, Kyle, really a nice partner. If I'm not mistaken, Gordon-Levitt did really shaved his hair, but I don't know if he really shave all of his hair or not. This means he really into the character that he played and you can see it, how he acted as a man that his life is threaten by a cancer. You could see here how Adam live through his disease, and how Kyle use his friend's illness to get a woman, also the relationship that happened between Adam and his therapist, Katie McCay (Anna Kendrick) was interesting. This is not a 'hard' movie to watch, the dialogue, meaning and all that stuffs are easy to understand, it doesn't require you to think too much like a detective movie, but still it has a lot of meaning.
The climax of the movie served perfectly, and ended peacefully.
Despite all the things like drinking, smoking, etc, I think this movie has some message that we can learn. You should watch this movie to get the idea, and this is one of the movie I really recommend you to watch.

Shrelock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

I just watched this movie a couple days ago, and now I would like to share some thing (like a review as usual) to you if you haven't watch it yet.
First of all, I want to ask, have you watched the first movie yet? Well, I think you should watch it before go on, but if you don't have time I think it's okay if you watch the second and then go back to the first, sometimes I did that when I read books with many sequel, lol. 
Now, to the movie. Truthfully, I'm a little bit confused in the beginning, because I couldn't relate one scene to another, what's the point, and why. I don't know if this happen to the other or not, but if you can think well I'm sure you can follow it. Thankfully, as the movie goes on, I understand about what happened in the beginning. So, if you thought you had low brain's engine to process information, don't worry to be not able to follow, because you will understand it later. 
The action scenes are good, like when Holmes used his analytical (?) thinking to fight, what will happen next; what moves he should use; etc that's awesome, and the boom-boom scenes also great. They have a lot of bombs in this movie, because they have a bomb maker. Another thing that makes me fun is, dance! We will see gypsies here and their music, even it's just a short time but I love the music, Hans Zimmer really know how to make good scores, you will hear his creation along the movie.
The twist; the secret, that revealed along the movie or at the end was also exciting! There was one scene where I really fascinated, the slow motion and all of the effects was absolutely stunning! 
Overall, it's worth for you to watch this movie, and if you have watched the first movie, it's a good thing to follow the next. Watch it and judge it by yourself.

Here is a trailer if you want to watch:


Monday, December 26, 2011

Short Trip to Belitong #1

Happy holiday everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (not yet)...
Have you decide where to spend your holiday? Not yet? Well, have you ever been to Belitung before, or at least Indonesia? You should try to go here for a couple of days and spend you holiday! In Indonesia we have many places to visit , and one of them is Belitung Island also known as Belitong. Belitung have so many beautiful beaches, and I really love them, why? Because you can really enjoy it, it's like your own beach! In other word, not so many tourists known this beaches, but I expect it will be known soon.
To get to Belitong you can use airplane or a ship. But, since I only knew the airplane trip, then I will only tell you this. Last time I went to Belitong, there was only two airplane companies that have flights to there and it's only from International Airport Soekarno-Hatta (CJK). The airport in Belitung is Tanjung Pandan (TJQ). It's only 1 hour (even less) of flight from CJK. You may want to reserve your seat first from their website, yoou can check Batavia Air or Sriwijaya Air. Batavia Air is the cheapest one, but you have to know that sometimes (or usually) they might have to delay your flight for 1 or 2 hours. Sriwijaya Air is the expensive one, but if you lucky you can get promo ticket, not much different with the other air company. Expensive but almost always on time.
As you arrived at Tanjung Pandan, you just need to wait your baggage and go out. As far as I knew, there was no public transportation yet there, so you have to rent a car. To get to the city it's just 30-45 minutes drive from airport. There's a few hotel you can chose, but I recommend Sarila Hotel, the place is nice and it's near the heart of the city where you can buy things, and near the beach! Just walk down and you'll find Tanjung Pendam beach. If you take flight in the morning, you'll arrive at afternoon, you have time to explore the city and go to Tanjung Pendam beach. Here is some photos I took when I went there, not really good pictures :(

So, after playing with the beach you can go walk again to the hotel while seeing many stuff in the evening. There will be many food seller along the street, you may want to try some.
Next day, get ready for another beaches!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Trip to France Part #2

I really enjoyed the flight, somehow you had a larger space but actually it doesn't. That's what makes you feel comfort riding the Airbus. We got a lot of meals, as I said before, and really nice too.
Finally we arrived at Aéroport Paris-Charles de Gaulle also known as Roissy Airport, and CDG is the airport code. I don't want to leave this Airbus A380, it's so comfort here. But, the journey awaits me outside.
At first look, the airport interior in my opinion is adequate, and after you look around the airport is great, big as usual. We have to pass the immigration first here, and one thing I noticed, why is every immigration officer that I had met in Japan, Indonesia, or France never give a smile, even a short, little smile. Is it just me or is it the rule? 'Never give a smile to every single passenger.'
Forget the immigration, it's time to take the baggage. Oh, I need a trolley. After everyone in the group got their baggage, we headed out. While heading out, I saw two passengers being checked by some officers, they opened the baggage and identifying every item in baggage, shorts, T-shirt, etc. And I remembered that several days ago we had some meeting about this study trip, the travel agent encourage us to not bring any fake-brand, like bags, shirts, pants, etc. because France really appreciate the originality of copyrighted items. I think it's not always happen, if you're lucky you got passed, because me and everyone else didn't get checked by officer, we just walk and pass. *sigh*
Took it from inside the bus

Here it is, for the first time I feel the breeze of Paris, so cool but really fresh! We rode a bus that will take us to Chalon-sur-Saone, it's 3 hours driving, another long trip. We stopped at some place, I didn't know what it is, but it seems like a place where we can rest after long driving. After rest a little bit, we continued again. The road here, it seems quiet, and if I'm not mistaken the bus were at 100km/hour speed, but it's really smooth. Unlike in my country :p.
I fell a sleep during the rest of the trip. When I awake, we already arrived at the destination, Chalon-sur-Saone. For a couple of days, we stayed at a motel. It was already dinner time, so we eat first then we can go to our room. Here it is, my first dinner in France, it seems like I have to adapt with this manner where there is appetizer, main course, and desert. The main course for today's dinner is steak! One of my favorite,and I'm still hungry, I want to eat more....T_T
Dinner finished. We all go back to our own room, one room occupied with two persons. First thing to do is, bath! Oh, I don't know if this is common or not, but the bathroom door didn't have a lock! You can feel the anxiety when you are taking a bath or doing your thing (you know what I mean? poop!) without locking the door. Enough for bathroom time, now I need a proper sleep. Recharge energy for tomorrow.

Republic of 2PM

Music review!
On November 30, 2011, 2PM a Korean boyband group released their first Full Japanese album.
Congratulation! lol. The album released in 3 different types, but the different is just the bonus you'll get. For type A you will get a DVD and a CD, the DVD will contain live footage from the "1st Contact in Japan" concert performed at Ryogoku Kokugikan on 2010.12.8 as well as a documentary movie on their Japan arrival, you'll also get the Ryogoku Kokugikan concert photobook. The CD will contain 12 songs.
In type B, you'll also get a DVD and a CD, but the DVD contain filming of album concept, and music videos for 'Take Off', 'I'm Your Man', 'Ultra Lover', and 'Hands Up Japan ver.'. You'll get a photobook too, but it's album concept photobook. The CD contain the same.
The last but not least, is type C a.k.a regular type, you'll only get a CD.
Overall, it's all worth to buy. But you have to take note that the DVD have a Region Code 2.
Now, for the songs, from what I've heard the original Japanese songs, exclude the translated one like 'Without You Japanese Ver.', they are all actually good. I like really like '100日記念日' You have to hear it by yourself! 'Hands Up Japanese ver.' is also interesting because I think they changed some lyric so it fits with the rhythm and another lyric.  There is a thing that bothering me, it's the album concept, it's actually interesting and unique, but I think it's not related to the songs? Well, I don't know, but maybe someone can explain to me how it related?

In conclusion, if you really interested with the songs, you should buy the album! Support the artist!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Friends with Benefits

Well, I know it's really too late to write a review for this movie, but since I really like this movie I will go all the way.
So, Friends with Benefit starred Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, I don't know how to say it but...oh my GOD they're really perfect together, you can feel the chemistry between them and that is 'Wow'. From what I see, they played their character really well. First, Timberlake as Dylan, a guy from LA discover New York for the first time. Is it so different between LA and New York? Well, if that's the fact then Timberlake played the characteristic of Dylan really well, how he amazed and confused when he saw NY's lifestyle. Second, Mila Kunis as Jamie, a headhunter. It is really funny when she interact with Timberlake as Dylan, it flows just like that, smooth if I may say. How she convince Dylan to take the job also amazing, I mean how Kunis played her role.
The story going complicated around the middle, and how the conflict made was great, I don't know how to express it because my lack of vocab, I just can say it flows smoothly, and didn't make it awkward.
Well, you have to watch it by yourself and make your judgement, all I can say is that in my opinion this movie is worth to watch! 
Watch it on DVD or Blu-ray Disc, it was released on December 2, 2011.
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