Thursday, December 29, 2011

Short Trip to Belitong #2

Second day! Today we will visit Tanjung Tinggi the famous beach and other beaches as well, but before we go on, let's spend time with local market first. At this morning, you can have a jogging and visit the beach to watch the sun rise. That's really beautiful. After that, maybe you want to go to the local market, fresh fish and all of sea creatures can be found here, vegetables also available but since its main commodity from the sea so there will be much fish, squids, etc. You can get a very cheap price for this seafood if you buy it directly from the fisherman, and lucky me, I have this friend that introduced me to one of the fisherman there, I got 2kgs squids for a cheap price! Wow, seafood party tonight!
All right, enough with local market, remember with our main purpose here, beach! So, today, we will go to one of the famous beach here, because the scenery is really beautiful and it also where one of popular Indonesian movie took place for shooting, it's called Tanjung Tinggi. My friend told that sometimes the ocean will be very quiet, not much high waves, and that's perfect for swimming. The sands were really white and wow! You know, I was really lucky that day, why? Because there were not much people visited at that time, maybe because it's not vacation time, so it's like a private beach to me. Unfortunately, I didn't bring any spare clothes with me, so I didn't swim that day. Today will just be a tour to visit beaches, just visit. Here is a picture of Tanjung Tinggi.
I need more practice :(

We spend much time here to take some (many, actually) photographs, a chance for me to enhance my photography skills. A few good picture successfully taken by me, yeah! Okay, enough, let's go the next beach!
Another thing that you should know about Belitung is, there were not much traffic, it means you will not face a traffic jam! How cool is that! You can speed up your vehicle to the limit, but still you have to careful 'cause someone may pass the road! It didn't take a long time from Tanjung Tinggi to the next beach. 20 minutes to 30 minutes, maybe less, I didn't count. Same as previous, there were not much people here, or maybe no one else except us. There were some fisherman's ship, but I didn't see anyone. Again, there I just took some pictures and felt the wind, heard the waves crushing white sands. So relaxing.
I went back to the hotel at 4 PM, enough for the beach, let's explore the night market (?) tonight!

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