Friday, April 22, 2011


Insidiosus is a horror film directed by James Wan tells the story of a boy who can wander around the parallel spirit world when he fell asleep. 
The problems began when Dalton (Ty Simpkins) the boy who can wander around the parallel spirit world fall in a coma for three months and the doctors say he is in an unexplained coma. Finally the parents, Renai (Rose Byrne) and Josh Lambert (Patrick Wilson) bring their children to come home and take care of Dalton there. Over the next few days supernatural events happen in their home. Renai then told her husband that their house was haunted, but Josh did not believe until an event occurs and makes it agreed to the move. 
However, it is also futile because they re-experience the events of that horrific supernatural. Josh's mother (Barbara Hershey) believes what Renai said, something haunted here, she then called her friend andinvestigate the paranormal activity. As they investigate the Dalton room, they found something that horrifyinghas occurred. Dalton ability has invited a strong demon that want to separate Dalton's soul from his body andtook Dalton's body for his evil purpose.
The film was first aired at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 14, 2010 and has aired in the United States on April 1, 2011.

Insidious, sebuah film horror yang disutradarai oleh James Wan mengisahkan tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang dapat mengarungi parallel spirit world saat ia tertidur.
Permasalahan dimulai ketika Dalton (Ty Simpkins) si anak laki-laki yang dapat mengarungi parallel spirit world jatuh koma selama tiga bulan, hingga akhirnya sang orang tua, Renai (Rose Byrne) dan Josh Lambert (Patrick Wilson) membawa anak mereka pulang kerumah dan dimulai kejadian-kejadian supranatural terjadi di rumah mereka. Renai lalu memberitahu suaminya bahwa rumah mereka dihantui namun Josh tidak percaya hingga suatu kejadian terjadi dan membuatnya setuju untuk pindah.
Namun, hal itu juga sia-sia saja karena mereka kembali mengalami kejadian-kejadian supranatural yang menyeramkan. Ibu Josh (Barbara Hershey) percaya dengan perkataan Renai bahwa ada yang dihantui disini, ia lalu memanggil temannya dan melakukan investigasi paranormal. Saat mereka menginvestigasi kamar Dalton, mereka mendapati sesuatu yang meneyeramkan telah terjadi. Kekuatan Dalton telah mengundang demon kuat untuk memisahkan jiwa Dalton dari tubuhnya dan mengambil tubuh Dalton.

Film ini pertama kali tayang di Toronto International Film Festival pada tanggal 14 September 2010 dan telah tayang di Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 1 April 2011.

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